Ami Donations for Elementary School

Some of you probably know I have been making amis for the school I work at. I work at an elementary school where we have a student store. Kids earn tickets from doing good things, helping out, etc. With these tickets they can buy things from the student store. Because of school funding the school mainly relies on donations for the student store now.

If you are any other crocheter/knitter would like to donate amis to the school I would be so grateful. Small clean items are preferred.
If I have a crochet pattern that you would like to make for a donation I will happily gift you the pattern(s).

This is a ongoing project I am working on, the student store is every other Friday, during the entire school year.
Some of the things I have made for the student store…

If you would like to donate amis to my elementary school please mail them to..

Student Store
Bachrodt Charter Academy
102 Sonora Ave
San Jose, CA 95110


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