
Showing posts from August, 2013

September Pattern Giveaway

Who’s ready to win one of my patterns? Enter to win in my Ravelry group  Melissa's Crochet Patterns .  You can win ANY of my patterns, just enter before August 31st. Winner will be announced September 1st. There's more info in my Ravelry Group, just click on the thread "September Pattern Giveaway".

Crocheting through both sides of an arm/leg/ear/tail together.

In almost all of my patterns the arms, legs, ears, tail, and other pieces are done by chaining 1 and crocheting through both sides at the same time. These pictures will help you understand what this means... Ch 1, fold in half Put your crochet hook through both sides, making a sc. Sc across in this same way. You should end up with half the amount of sts.  Example - if you had 20 you will now have 10.  This is how your finished end should look. Here is the final leg to The Adorable Dragon .

The Adorable Dragon Crochet Pattern

The Adorable Dragon pattern is now available on Ravelry! This pattern is 20% off until August 14th midnight pacific time.

The Adorable Unicorn

Here she is! The Adorable Mystery Crochet Along animal, The Adorable Unicorn. She is now available for purchase on Ravelry, and will be 20% off until August 12th midnight pacific time.