Ami-Along 2018
I am so happy to announce I will be joining some awesome ladies and fellow designers in this year's Ami-Along.

Start date:
1st of July 2018
1st of July 2018
End date:
31st of August 2018
31st of August 2018
Sale dates:
25th of June till 8th of July 2018 - a few days earlier than the beginning of the event, so that you can prepare yourself :)
25th of June till 8th of July 2018 - a few days earlier than the beginning of the event, so that you can prepare yourself :)
What patterns are eligible?
Any (free and paid) amigurumi patterns designed by one of the participating designers:
Any (free and paid) amigurumi patterns designed by one of the participating designers:
These are free and paid amigurumi patterns designed by participating designers, so yes, all free and paid ami patterns can take part. Just by choosing a paid one, you’ll take part in the prize drawing.
What to do to take part?
- Make an amigurumi from one of the eligible patterns (see above) in the event’s time frame (1st of July - 31st of August). If you’d like to buy one, there’ll be a special sale running (offered by all participating designers) - 25% off all patterns. Yay! Just use the code AMIALONG2018 in cart
- Create a project page for it (link it to the pattern).
- Post a photo in the appropriate finished objects thread (see categories in the post below) - COMING SOON!
If you use a paid pattern, your finished ami will also get you a chance of winning a prize! We have a number of great prizes donated by our wonderful participating designers, including patterns and more! The specific information about contests and prizes will also be posted in the nearest future.
Apart from all that, this summer will be all about amis, so expect some fun threads all about amigurumi!
This thread will remain open in case you have some questions.
Remember that we start on July 1st, so we take things easy and the real fun will begin then.
Please don’t start making your amis yet, because we won’t be able to count them towards the event (and prize drawing!)
Please don’t start making your amis yet, because we won’t be able to count them towards the event (and prize drawing!)
Come join us in the Ami-along Ravelry Group HERE.
Other designers that are participating in the Ami-Along are...
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